A Comprehensive Companion for Android Auto Users

Podcast Addict is more than just a listening app for Android devices. With over ten million downloads and 500k reviews, averaging a 4.7 rating, it has set itself apart from other Android listening apps.

One of the key features that makes Podcast Addict a standout is its compatibility with Android Auto. The app’s car layout feature provides a simplified screen with big buttons and a suite of EQ options. This makes it easy to navigate while driving, ensuring that buttons are clearly visible and easy to hit without taking your eyes too far from the road.

In addition to its user-friendly interface, Podcast Addict offers a range of customizable features. For each podcast you listen to, you can customize the playback options. The skip/forward and back options are customizable, and Podcast Addict has a Volume Boost feature to make voices distinct from the background. The Mono Audio feature takes the stereo channel and sandwiches them into mono in each ear.

The app also offers a free version supported by ads, and a Premium subscription version that allows further customization. The Premium subscription costs 99 cents a month, or $9.99 a year. At the Premium level, users get more new options, such as a custom opening screen, light themes, and a playlist widget.

In conclusion, Podcast Addict is a comprehensive companion for Android Auto users, offering a range of features that enhance the podcast listening experience. Its user-friendly interface, customizable features, and compatibility with Android Auto make it a top choice for Android users.

